"Net" – an Installation in Celebration of #NileDay #NileProject @Kuona_Trust

“Net” shows the interconnectedness of man and nature. The spiderweb is made using a key component – fishing line – in the livelihoods of many who live along the Nile; fishermen.

The web has been constructed exactly how a spider would do it with the frame and “Y” pattern. In the way that a spiderweb traps what nature provides for the spider (good and bad), the fishing net for a fisherman traps what nature provides for him (good and bad).

The installation shows both the heavy reliance on nature and pure luck to provide the basic. It represents the fragility of the human condition, in that we have been invited to this world – and it shall provide what it sees fit to provide us with, despite our belief in our capacity to be omnipotent.
Medium: fishing line, superglue, fishing bait
Dimensions 7ft x 12ft (2M x 3.6M)