
You are currently browsing posts of the "politics" tag.

Coffee Conversations (2013)

It is in coffee houses that many revolutions have been sparked off. The conversation around a cup of coffee shared between open minds provides opportunity for mass action based on ideals and projections of what the future must become. “Coffee fuelled the information exchanges of the 17th and 18th centuries” The headlines ...

Unrest (2012)

A depiction of the experience of flight by refugees in Eastleigh, Kakuma and Dadaab as told to the artist. This flight is from a place one knows to an unknown destination and the perception of self in surreality. The white outlines represent the individual seeing themselves in a situation that they don’t understand and the ...

Blocks Aid (2012)

A representation of global discourse on the effectiveness of aid; where aid is given to countries with stipulations for that aid being cryptic and dynamic. Similar to being given a crossword puzzle without the clues to complete the puzzle. The end goal of aid, world peace, is disrupted by this strings attached form of ...